is a common form of alternative dispute resolution. A primary advantage of mediation is that it provides a chance for the people involved to discover and craft their own solution to their problem and not have it decided by a judge after a long drawn-out and expensive litigation.
A mediator is an impartial facilitator who does not give legal advice, is not a judge, who will not decide a dispute but rather give the parties a full opportunity to express their interests and develop a solution of their own making.
Henry Ambrose is an independent and impartial mediator in Franklin, Tennessee, serving Williamson County and Middle Tennessee. Call today for a no cost consultation: 615-509-9253
Ready to schedule your mediation? Click here.
Mediation is a great problem solving tool and can save time and money in settling disputes.
The Mediator
Remains impartial thorough out the process.
Will not give legal advice.
Is not a judge.
Will not decide the dispute.
Will provide each party a full opportunity to express his or her interests.
May assist in memorializing the agreement.
Mediation can help you develop a sound parentling plan for your children.
Divorce and Parenting Plans
Mediation is often used to develop a plan for the dissolution of a marriage, division and distribution of marital assets, and a parenting plan for the children. The mediator helps the parents come together, clarify the issues, consider the options and reach a worakable agreement that fits the needs of their children.
Mediation can:
Encourage direct communication between the parents.
Help parents decide for themselves what is best for their children.
Explore creative ways to solve problems.
Promote cooperation.
Provide an informal setting that saves time and lowers the cost of a divorce or custody lawsuit.
Maintain the strengths of an on-going relationship as parents.
Is confidential.
Allow you to go on with your life.
Find a solution faster and for lower expense through mediation.
Civil Disputes
Civil disputes can often be settled in mediation. The advantages include confidentiality, control of the outcome, a shortened time frame to resolution and greatly reduced costs.
Benefits of civil mediation:
Maintains confidentiality - no public filiings or disclosures of even the existence of a dispute.
Makes an agreement that settles the dispute in the shortest time.
Prevents recurring problems.
Avoids involvement and high costs of the judicial/legal system.
Improves relationships and communications between the parties.
Elimnates risk and loss of control.
Provides certainty and finality.
Many business disputes can be settled amicably in mediation.
Henry Ambrose is an independent and impartial mediator in Franklin, Tennessee, serving Williamson County and Middle Tennessee. Call today for a no cost consultation: 615-509-9253
Listed mediator pursuant to Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 31.
General Civil
Specially trained in Domestic Violence Issues